
Konfigurasi server yang Anda inginkan kemudian klik Lanjutkan.


Untuk menjalankan platform maksimal 15 MetaTrader 4/5.

Fitur Layanan
Automate Server is Ready
Non cloud w/ Teknologi Cross-Connect,
MetaGuard tool,
Pre-installed MetaTrader 4/5 Portable,
Autologin & Startup system,
Usage/Overload alert,
NMS Monitoring,
Status notification via Whatsapp/Telegram,
VPN addon,
Dilindungi dengan Firewall & anti Ddos.

Spesifikasi Teknis
4 core CPU @3GHz AMD EPYC 7371 Hyperthreading
Lokasi Server USA atau UK
Memory 4GB DDR4 ECC 2400MHz
Storage Optimized 30 GB NVMe
Koneksi Internet Up To 1000 Mbps
Unlimited Transfer Data Per Bulan
GRATIS 1 Dedicated IP Publik
24/7 monitoring keamanan
24/7 support atau bantuan online

Informasi tambahan
Bantuan aktifasi server dengan menambahkan platform Metatrader 4/5 portable mode dengan teknologi Cross-Connect untuk meningkatkan kinerja Metatrader Anda.

Automate Server by VPSTrading.net
Paket ini sudah dilengkapi Automate Server Tools by VPSTrading.net, selengkapnya mengenai Automate Server bisa dicek di help.vpstrading.net

Pilihan Konfigurasi
Informasi Tambahan
Filled this if you order Telegram Notifications Addon. To get your CHAT ID, access our Telegram Bot link https://t.me/vpstrading_bot and send message /start then we will respond with your ID, write down here your chat id.
Your WHATSAPP NUMBER in this field, required for notification alert :). Include your country code, for example 628112511877
If you need coins mining server, please choose Dedicated GPU Servers in the sidebar menu
Write down how many MT4 you will run, Example: 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Write down how many MT5 you will run, Example: 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Tell us what is your provider currently use, such as google cloud, amazon cloud, Gainserver.com, alibaba cloud, etc.
Fasilitas Pendukung

Layanan addon penting untuk integrasi fitur Automate System agar mengirimkan alert ke Email/Whatsapp/Telegram: performa monitor (peringatan overload), remote login information, MetaTrader to Broker connectivity monitoring dan fungsi Webhook Automation lain yang bisa Anda integrasikan melalui pemrograman Meta Language maupun Third Party integration seperti Webhook Notification dari TradingView.
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